Photo Gallery

January, 2025

                   A message from one of our Tai Chi classes

Februry, 2023

We were pleased to be able to donate $1000 to the CBS Paradise Food Bank.  

January, 2023

Here we are, your instructors, enjoying the lunch we were treated to by members.  We had a good time at Shenanigans.

July, 2022

Can you spot  something  special in these photos of our members, taken at one of our Topsail Beach practices this summer?

Clearly,  there's more than one way to display our Tai Chi logo.  Thank you Harold.    We are touched  that you chose our logo for your first tattoo.   It's beautiful!

"For my first tattoo, the Tai Chi logo from our group Tai Chi by the Sea was the perfect option.  Great design, with great memories for years to come."   
       Harold McDonald   

March, 2022

August 16, 2021
We have had great weather this summer for Tai Chi at the beach.  Here are two snapshots taken by Stephanie of our Friday's class.    

July 21, 2019

It's beach time again.     Here's what it looked like last week. Our thanks to Stephanie for the photos.

 Communing with the Ocean
 We can feel the fresh air!
 Taking a Break before the last Set

 December 17th, 2018

We held our AGM on the 14th followed by our Christmas lunch.  The highlight was, of course, when Santa paid us a visit.  And guess what?  This year he brought his elves. 

Santa said all the instructors had behaved themselves - more or less. 

Santa, you are so welcome here!

August 28th, 2018

It's been a fabulous summer for Tai Chi at Topsail Beach.  Maxine snapped these photos of  us yesterday.

July 28th, 2018

Our thanks to those who came out to the Seniors' Day aftertoon at Chamberlains Park.   Here we are lining up to do the set.

June 30th, 2018

We had a great two day workshop with Richard Williams from Alberta.  

June 2nd, 2018

It was an easy half hour's work at the CBS Community Clean-up.  And it didn't rain!!

March 31st

This year we raised over $1500 for the CBS/Paradise Food Bank.  A big thanks to all who contributed.  

February 2018
Guess who came to visit us on St. Patrick's Day?

Maybe we should be calling the move Newfoundland Eagle Spreads Wings.  Maxine took this picture on the weekend.  

January 2018

Velma, Nancy, Maxine, Diane, Marilyn and Tony celebrated the New Year by doing our Tai Chi set at Topsail Beach.  It started out calm and then the wind came up.  But we did it!!!!

This year Santa came to visit again.  We promised him we would be really good in 2018.


We were going to do the Tai Chi set but then we saw the whale.

 July 28th,

Joan's wonderful picture now has a home in B.C.  Ben Chung  e-mailed us with this photo taken in his living room.

Inline image 1

July 1st

Memories of a fabulous workshop with Ben Chung and Richard Williams!

June 10th, 2017

Today we participated in the community clean-up.  Here's some of us after the event.

June  9th, 2017

Guess why we call ourselves Tai Chi by the Sea!

February, 2017

We were pleased to donate over $850 to the CBS Food Bank again this year.  

Dec. 20th, 2016.

We had our annual AGM and potluck on Monday.  And guess who came to visit us again this year?

Mrs. Claus says Santa has been good too!.

Santa's helpers
Please say you'll come to our house Santa!

Yes Santa, we've been practicing the set.

One of the best things about  Santa is all those hugs!

Who is in charge here?

June 2016 
 What an amazing workshop we had with IATLA instructor Ben Chung. So amazing that we forgot to take pictures!

Fortunately we did get a picture at Friday's class.

Yes we can focus!

We raised $846 for the CBS Food Bank. 

 February 1st, 2016

Snaps from our 2015 AGM.

We had a feast!


Thanks Santa!

Santa came early for me!
Say Cheese!
We promise to do more donyus.

Tai Chi at the Beach 


A Quiet Moment 

Enjoying the view of Conception Bay

Heading towards Topsail Bluff